definitions from:


Coronavirus refers to any of various RNA-containing spherical viruses of the family Coronaviridae, including several that cause acute respiratory illnesses.
Notable types of coronavirus are SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. COVID-19 is popularly referred to as (the) coronavirus or corona for short. COVID-19 is referred to as the novel coronavirus because it is a new (novel) virus (i.e., it hasn’t been detected before). Novel coronavirus can be abbreviated as nCoV.
When looked at under a microscope, coronaviruses appear to be surrounded by a spiky array thought to look like a corona, or a crown-like shape, hence the name coronavirus.
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COVID-19 is a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by a new coronavirus. The disease was discovered in China in December 2019 and has since spread around the world.

 Coronavirus de Wuhan: última hora de China, España y el MWC -



A furlough is a usually temporary layoff from work. 
During the coronavirus outbreak, many workers were furloughed as businesses conducting non-essential activities were closed. This was done to prevent the spread of the disease by banning large gatherings as a form of social distancing.

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Isolation is the complete separation from others of a person suffering from contagious or infectious disease.
In public health, isolation happens when a person is infected with a communicable disease, and is separated from people who are healthy. This helps stop the spread of disease.
Self-isolation is voluntary isolation. Note that everyday people may use self-isolation when they aren’t infected and are social distancing.

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Disease mitigation are measures taken to slow the spread of infection. Quarantine, isolation, and social distancing are forms of mitigation.
Washing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds is one important thing to do to help prevent the spread, or mitigate, COVID-19.


A pandemic is a disease prevalent throughout an entire country, continent, or the whole world. A pandemic is an epidemic that has spread over a large area.
The World Health Organization (WHO) specifically uses pandemic to refer to new diseases people do not have immunity for and that have spread worldwide. The WHO has declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.
Pandemic can be both a noun and an adjective (e.g., a pandemic disease).

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physical distancing

Physical distancing is an alternative term for social distancing. Its use is being increasingly encouraged by some health professionals because the term emphasizes the importance of maintaining physical distance between people to help stop the spread of the disease. The term also emphasizes that people should still socialize using digital technology and social media while they are separated physically.

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Pronounced and also written as R-naught, R-nought, or R-zero. The R stands for reproduction or reproductive.
R0 is the average number of people that a person with an infectious disease is expected to spread the infection to (in population immune to the disease). In other words, if one person is infected, how many other people will they infect?
R0is also called the basic reproduction rate. If R0 is greater than 1, it can spread in a population and cause an outbreak.
Estimates vary, but one study measures the R0 of COVID-19 at 2.2. That means that, on average, each person infected with COVID-19 spreads it to two other people. For comparison, the R0 of measles is estimated between a value of 12–18; seasonal strains of the flu have been estimated at 1.3. 
Epidemia coronavirus: ¿Cuál es el R0 de España? 

social distancing

Social distancing refers to measures that reduce contact between large groups of people.
Social distancing measures often entail canceling big gatherings (such as conferences, classes, church services, concerts, and sporting events), restricting mass transit and travel, and working from home.
The CDC specifically recommends maintaining a distance of 6 feet (2 meters) between people.
During the coronavirus outbreak, people commonly spoke or wrote of hunkering down at home as they practiced social distancing.

 Kit de herramientas para los medios sociales | CDC


A super-spreader, or superspreader, is a person infected with a pathogen (such as a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism that produces a disease) and spreads it to an unusually large number of individuals who aren’t infected.

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First of all, we can define a space as a geographical area or position such as a pole. The term exchanges is used to talk about an act that consits in giving something in return of another thing, this can be used in communication, commerce, business or even in the stock market. We will therefore seek the illustration of the notion Spaces and Exchanges inside the COVID-19 pandemic by looking at the spaces involved and then the exchanges made.

Indeed, the COVID-19 virus started in a very specific pole which is the city of Wuhan in China. It then slowly expanded in other geographical regions in Asia. Then the closest cases next to us were triggered in Italy, Spain, France and the U.K. Other cases can also be found in the USA and other Northern parts of the world. It became a global issue as the virus expanded to Southern countries such as India and Brasil which are part of the BRICS organisation. Undoubtedly globalisation has made the world one common space and the pandemic illustrates this non-discrimination when it comes to getting the disease.

Furthermore this is due to the increasing amount of exchanges made around the world. Travelling either for business or pleasure, our social way of life and exchanging goods that contained the virus were most likely the main reasons for the quick global spread. This has also had a repercussion on stock exchange as the demand is lower than the supply making the global economy unstaible. As a result of the isolation measures placed by the governments and the high disemployment rates that have made consuming in a capitalist world dificult. However, where some exchanges might be on the verge of disapearing others are blooming. This is true for social media and video conference apps such as Zoom or House Party used to communicate, do sport and play pub quizzes. There is also a non-verbal exchange made between people of one city by applauding to the health service every evening at 20h and between neighbours with terrace concerts and apperitives. Moreover, TV on demand companies such as Netflix and delivery companies such as Deliveroo have been making a lot of profit and their exchanges of goods are through the roof. It is the same for Framacies and Hospitals who have had more demand of protective equipment than supply which has increased the prices of these items.

To put it in a nutshell, COVID-19 has made of the world a space to spread. It has increased because of the number of exchanges made between people around the globe. Therefore the normal type of exchanges made in the world have changed and will surely change forever as social-distancing and mitigation will surely be day to day procedures.


  1. OK Kenza.
    The first part (glossary) is very well designed.
    As for the second part, I don't really see what it is about: it is quite personal BUT is it you answer to POST 14 on the teacher's blog?
    If such is the case, I'm afraid you did not read instructions carefully enough. Please read them again and go over your second post which must include a DOCUMENT and should be published SEPARATELY.

    1. OK I didn't realise I thought we had to fit the Covid-19 topic with the notion. My bad!


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