Spaces and Exchanges

 First of all, we can perceive in this mind map a big distinction between two different types of spaces and exchanges. The difference between the spaces are that one designs real physical and geographical spaces and the second depicts any virtual spaces that human beings have created to use information and communicate in the way to recreate a real space in some other type of environment. The exchanges happen with in those spaces and represent which designs the act of giving something for another thing, this could be goods, information and more. We will focus on this distinction by studying the two different types of spaces and then we will focus on the exchanges made in those spaces.

It should be noted that the divergence between real space and virtual spaces is mostly based on the fact that one is material and the other is artificial. Subsequently, on a global scale, the real spaces are firstly made of the third world, emerging countries and the first world, developed countries and superpowers which could be associated to the South and the North as third world countries are largely present in the lower sphere and first world countries are predominant in the higher sphere. Furthermore there are different spaces inside each country which are more geographical such as the countryside, small towns, big cities and global cities. This affects the economy as there are different activities completed in each space namely agriculture in the rural parts of the country and business in megalopolis. If we look closer at an american city we can observe clear cuts in the city that are made depending of social status and class, proof of this is the ethnic neighborhoods and inner cities where reside poor minoities differing from the business district and the suburbs where people of wealth and power work and live. Moreover a person has an intimate life with family and friends in the private sphere and a more open life with work in the public sphere. This can be problematic for public figures as the limit is often blurred. These limits are called borders and exist between all types of spaces. We can say that all these spaces have many debates but the main one is the environment as it is the only one that concerns all spaces. Aside from this, virtual spaces take larger dimensions in our life with technology where we can find blogospheres, websites, social networks, chat rooms and forums, cellular networks and computer networks. All of these are spaces of exchanges between people from all around the world which also brings down all types of borders and create a smaller world.

It is without a doubt that I say that exchanges are very important between different spaces. In the real spaces, the exchanges are largely made of human exchanges such as migrations including the brain drain of smart students to more prosperous countries in technology and science and the rural-urban or urban-rural mobilities, tourism such as Eco-tourism, languages and human interactions. We can also see a big presence of legal and illegal exchanges such as human smuggling, drugs and arms or weapons. These exchanges are all part of the international trade. Apart from these exchanges remain the cultural events, technology transfers and global warming as a consequence of most exchanges. The digital exchanges are also important and are mostly online activities that reflect real activities that have been transferred online including gambling, gaming and any type of communication like videoconferencing, text-messaging and emailing to speak and exchange information, intercommunicating instead of going to work, social networking as opposed to real time socializing.


  1. Well done, Kenza! You'll find your mark in a new comment once all blog posts have been published by your classmates. In the meantime, keep up the serious homework.

  2. 1. MIND MAP 3/4
    2. SPACES: 7,5/8
    3. EXCHANGES: 7,5/8
    OVERALL MARK: 18/20
    Very well done in spite of a few clumsy formulations in English.


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